
The following pages represent a comprehensive summary of current research and theory on the sources of innovation and creativity, both in individuals and organizations.
Based on the recurring concepts in the existing literature, the paper concludes with some recommendations for
how education systems can best foster these attributes in students.
Both research and recommendations have been conducted with a view to informing US workforce development
efforts within the context of the new global economy.
The following key questions are discussed:

  • What do we know about the sources of creativity and innovation in individuals?
  • What do we know about curricula and pedagogical techniques that have proven effective in promoting innovation and creativity through formal and informal education?
  • What do we know about techniques that have been proven to stimulate creativity and innovation in the work place?
  • What is it about the nature of our culture, our society and our economy that makes our country more creative and innovative than others?
  • What contributes to the development of successful entrepreneurs?
  • What actions should the US education system take to promote innovation and creativity among students?
  • What are some suggestions for further research?
Source: A Paper Commissioned by the National Center on Education and the Economy for the New Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce September 2005. 
